Gynecomastia Surgery - Male Breast Reduction Vancouver WA
About Gynecomastia
The size and form of men’s breasts/chest is as a great of an issue as the elegance of female breasts. Many of us, when approaching the mirror, compare our looks to those standards that are demanded by our society. Many men who are athletically active try to build up their chest muscle, but there are also men who do not attend the gym on regular basis and would like to reduce their breast size .
Gynecomastia - is an unnatural growth of male breasts. If you are unhappy with the way your chest looks, you probably want to make corrections. Enlarged men’s breasts have several reasons. Depending on the cause of enlargement of breasts, our specialist will propose an appropriate treatment.
What is the cause of gynecomastia?
There are two types of unnatural enlargement of male breasts: true and pseudo-gynecomastia.
True Gynecomastia
True gynecomastia results in the imbalance of certain hormones in your body and requires a rather lengthy treatment by specialists. To reduce the male breasts in this case a patient is working on bringing his hormones’ balance to appropriate levels. Typical causes of hormonal dysfunction are as follows: Bad diet, Intake of certain medications.
False or Pseudo – Gynecomastia
False or Pseudo – Gynecomastia is easily treated at our center. After the treatment prescribed to you, you will see a much desired result – a smoother smaller chest. False or Pseudo – Gynecomastia (also known as “Man Boobs”) is a fairly common condition in many men, possibly genetically predisposed way the fat cells are stored in your body in the chest area.
So what do I do? Whatever the reason, if the look of your chest is of concern, consult with our specialist today. Our specialist will help you identify the cause of breast enlargement and will recommend a treatment plan. If you have a problem with undesired fat deposits, then you have two ways of correcting it: gym and medical sculpturing of your body, Smartlipo, for example. Smartlipo (or Laser Assisted Body Sculpting) lasts relatively fast (up to 3 hours), and basically on the next day you can resume your daily activities. The only difference is that now you are completely satisfied with your look. Click here to read more about our Smart Lipo procedure. You can also schedule a free consultation or ask any questions by calling (360) 260-7029.
I love beer, do I love my health?
One of the reasons for hormonal imbalance in men is … bad diet. Depending on what they eat, men can significantly increase the level of estrogen (female) hormone. Here is the list of foods that may cause an increased estrogen level in men: Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Wheat grain, Soy and other, Beans, Banana Grapefruit, Celery, Dark Chocolate, Pears, Dates, Grapes, Some nuts (wall nuts, hazel nuts, almonds).
If you favor any of these products and consume large amounts, consider meeting with a nutritionist. The male breast reduction procedure has been popular and is still in high demand today. Only in the United States 20,000 male breast reduction procedures have been performed since 2010. And beginning 2011 this number has significantly increased, and the number of men willing to look stunning keeps growing.
Modern technology allows our customers correct multiple body issues in the area of medical esthetics. Be beautiful, and be healthy and happy! Our specialists are always ready to meet with you for a free consultation and review of treatments and procedures offered at our medical center. To make a step to your new healthy body, call (360) 260-7029. You are on the right track!
What our patients say
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We strive to offer the latest in safe and effective skin and body treatments using lasers, injectable treatments, and other well proven cosmetic treatments.
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