Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Vancouver WA
At NW Laser & Skin Care, Dr. we offer Brazilian butt lift surgery for people in the Vancouver, WA, area. BBL surgery is a fat transplantation technique that adds contours and fullness to your buttocks.
What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery is a minimally-invasive, quick, and comfortable way to add volume and contours to your gluteal region. The fat for the butt injections is taken from another part of your body using liposuction. You can transfer fat from any area that has some excess fat, and you can combine BBL surgery with other body sculpting procedures at the NW Laser & Skin Care Center in Vancouver, WA. For example, if you want a more toned tummy, the surgeon can transfer the fat from your stomach to your buttocks. Very little fat is needed for gluteal augmentation, sso you can combine this procedure with breast augmentation without any significant changes to the donor area.
Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift
Fat transfer butt augmentation has several benefits that appeal to our patients in Vancouver, WA. The fat that is used for the procedure comes from your body, so there are no foreign substances being injected. Dr. Grishkevich can precisely sculpt and shape your backside with fat transfers to your buttocks, and this produces a more natural appearance than silicone implants. The effects of BBL surgery are long-lasting.
What Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Include?
The BBL surgery procedure involves two steps. First, fat is harvested using liposuction. Small incisions are made in your skin to access the fat layer. A thin tube is inserted through the incision to remove fat via suction. Second, the fat is put into a special machine to remove any impurities, and the fat is loaded into a syringe. Third, Dr. Grishkevich injects the fat for a natural-looking enhancement of your buttocks. The entire BBL procedure takes about three to four hours.
You may need secondary fat transfers for your butt augmentation. Some of the fat cells may not survive the procedure. Another reason for follow-up injections is if you decide that you want more volume in your buttocks. The subsequent butt augmentation with a fat transfer will require a second liposuction procedure, as well.
Butt augmentation with fat transfers works for most people. Please be aware if you have flatter buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift may not be the best choice. We will recommend alternatives to fat transfers to the butt area that can achieve a natural appearance.
Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery and Results
Healing and recovery from buttock fat transfer surgery take up to six weeks. For the first two weeks after your butt lift procedure, avoid putting any pressure on your buttocks. This can be challenging, and we recommend that you get a donut-shaped pillow for sitting. Sleep on your side or stomach. Starting on the day of your Brazilian buttocks lift, walk around the house for a few minutes at least two to three times per day. This helps minimize swelling and speeds up healing.
Your buttocks will be tender, swollen, and bruised. You can take a non-prescription medication for the pain. The liposuction site needs to be monitored for any signs of infection, such as redness around the incision. Keep the area clean until the incision is healed.
Recovery from a tummy tuck with fat transfers to your buttocks takes much longer, primarily due to the healing time for the abdominoplasty. Your buttocks will heal within six weeks, but healing from a tummy tuck can take up to six months. If you have fat taken out of your stomach and put in your buttocks via liposuction only, the healing time is about six weeks.
Alternatives to BBL at the NW Laser & Skin Care Center in Vancouver, WA
We offer several BBL alternatives for people in Vancouver, WA who don’t have adequate donor fat, as well as for people with naturally flat buttocks.
Butt Injections vs. Brazilian Butt Lift
The injections involve using dermal fillers to add volume to your buttocks. Sculptra® is the best filler for butt augmentation. It is made with poly-L-lactic acid that stimulates collagen production to firm and sculpt your butt. The results last for two to three years.
Muscle Stimulation vs. BBL
Emsculpt® is a muscle stimulation treatment that relies on High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology. You can achieve the same muscle definition that you get from exercising, yet in a fraction of the time. The results of Emsculpt® butt augmentation last as long as you continue to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
Butt Implant Surgery vs. BBL
Glutes surgery with silicone butt implants is more intensive than autologous fat transfer. Incisions are made in the creases under each buttock. The implant is inserted through the incisions and positioned for a natural buttock contour. Silicone implants are permanent.
Brazilian Butt Lift Side Effects and Risks
We do everything possible to minimise the risks and side effects of the procedure for our patients in Vancouver, WA, but you should be aware of them before you decide to have the Brazilian butt lift. One of the most common side effects is the loss of transferred fat deposits. This may require subsequent procedures to fill in dimples and irregularities.
Fat embolism is a rare complication of a Brazilian butt lift procedure. This occurs when the fat cells that are used for buttock enlargement are injected into blood vessels. The cells can enter your bloodstream and block vessels leading to your heart, brain, and lungs. Fat embolism may be fatal. If you notice any unusual symptoms after any type of buttock reconstruction surgery, seek medical attention right away.
Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs
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We strive to offer the latest in safe and effective skin and body treatments using lasers, injectable treatments, and other well proven cosmetic treatments.
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